sábado, 30 de junio de 2007


Cuanta veces surfeando o chateando nos encontramos con palabras como:

L my A???

y no quieres parecer un askhole (Someone who asks many stupid, pointless, obnoxious questions)

Si vas de viaje y una gringa te dice "Let´s do a Bill Clinton" puedas entender vas a tener una de las mejores llamadas telefonicas de tu vida, aunque corras el riesgo de que te entiendan poco, si sigues sin entenderlo, te felicito seguro aun tienes un brillo inocente en los ojos.

en ese caso te recomiendo que visites http://www.urbandictionary.com

Algunas Definiciones

Ebay - You sell crap online and get pathetic people to buy it.

i want to sell my used condoms on e-bay

Ebay- a place where you can buy a toilet because Paris
Hilton sat on it.

I bought 1 of Sylvester Stallones nosehairs off E bay.
This is a sicko world,have a nice day

Famous But Ignorant

when the stuipd feds come to you with nothing on you, it proves their famous but ignorant!

GFY- Corporate speak for Go Fuck Yourself. Corporation frown on their employees passing curse words back and forth in email so just tell someone to G F Y in the body of the message. Often used in conjunction with GHY (Go Hang Yourself). You would use G F Y and G H Y when telling them to Go Fuck Yourself just isn’t enough.

FYI- Fuck Your Igloo.

Used by young eskimo teenagers who are trying to break away from the traditional eskimo culture.

M&M'S- Marlboro's and Millers

Yo nigga it's Friday night and I'm goin' to the store to get some mother fuckin M&M's

O RLY - A phrase coined on the internet; mainly used to indicate sarcasm or acknowledgement of obviousness. Synonymous with a white snow owl.

"You know, Inspector Gadget sure has a lot of gadgets."
"O RLY?"

Blog- Short for weblog

a place where people bitch about their daily activities which nobody is interested in. topics like why they argue with boyfriend and how they end up together at last, daily aneroxic activities like drinking blended organic fruits and vegetable for breakfast, lunch and dinner, talking about cutting themselves with a razor blade and how good they felt, bitch about their shopping activities and what they got.

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